Saturday, January 22, 2011

Let the countdown begin!

I received my Habitat for Humanity orientation packet this afternoon and now I can officially start the countdown to Romania! I'll be leaving in about 8 months. Don't worry, I won't be counting the days or weeks. To be completely honest, I never imagined I would be going there.  Even as recent as 5 months ago when I began to research short term volunteer programs.  Romania is a country I wouldn't visit on my own so when the opportunity presented itself, I decided to hop on board.

Last year was a tough one for my family and myself. As I reflected at the end of the year, I realized I still have a good life in spite of the hardships we experienced. This reignited my desire to volunteer abroad, even if it would only be for a short time. Originally, I wanted to go to Morocco and volunteer at an orphanage or a school. This is where my Peace Corps service would have been served back in '07 and the idea of going there for a short term program really excited me. However, two things happened that changed this plan.

The first issue was the program cost. Most volunteer programs are expensive since they are not funded by the government. I learned this as soon as looked into an alternative program when I wasn't able to complete certain things for my Peace Corps clearance. When I resumed my search a couple of months ago, I came across a couple of companies that have volunteer programs in Morocco, but the cost seemed very high for 1 or 2 weeks. Some were close to $3,000, without airfare. I wondered why it was so much. As I reviewed one of the brochures  I noticed something interesting. Volunteer accomodations were at a "Tourist Class Hotel". Wait, what?  I rarely stay at really nice hotels when I travel. I see hotels as storage units. It's a place I can leave my stuff during the day and sleep. Why would I upgrade my style during a volunteer program?

The second thing that led me to abandon operation Morocco was an article I came across on Lonely Planet's website; Responsible VolunteeringHonestly, it never occurred to me that I could be doing more harm than good if I volunteered with children for a short amount of time. Of course, it makes sense now, but I was so excited about the location that I simply didn't think of it. I agree with the article in saying those type of programs are better suited for long term volunteers. Since I'm unable to be a long term volunteer for the time being, I continued my search.

You can imagine how thrilled I was when I came across Habitat for Humanity's global village program. I've always wanted to volunteer with this organization and learning they have a global branch kills two birds with one stone. Aside from being a well recognized name and costing less, this is one of the most direct ways I can help in a short amount of time. I was a little disappointed to learn there isn't an extension in Morocco but that minor detail did not dissuade me from becoming involved with Habitat for Humanity. They have programs all over the world, including countries that are actually on my bucket list. However, I decided I didn't want my personal desire to visit certain places to interfere with the focus of the trip, which is to help others. To read more about the location decision, read my previous blog here. I'm thrilled to be going to Romania, even though it wasn't my first choice. Aside from helping people in a remote region, I'm participating with an organization that believes everyone should have a chance to live with a decent roof over their head. As a big fan of the film, It's a Wonderful Life, Habitat's philosophy is very close to that of George Bailey's Building & Loan. That is a philosphy I am more than happy to align myself with.

If you're interested in learning more about my trip and making a donation, please visit Vasthy's Trip to Romania. Thank you! :)

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