Thursday, July 21, 2011

Staying Afloat

Drowning in a drop of water C.2010
Ventura, CA 

I used to love hearing my grandmother's stories of her own childhood in El Salvador.  My favorite story was how she learned how to swim. As the youngest of 6 siblings, including 3 brothers, she didn't have much of a say. In true Darwinian form, she learned how to swim by being tossed into the local river which immediately tested her survival instincts. There weren't any water wings, inner tubes or one on one time with a swim instructor. There wasn't time to think. There was only time to "do"...and she did.

Life is short and there are times when we're all confronted with that fact whether we needed the reminder or not. But it's in those times of trial when survival instincts kick in and you discover how strong you can be. Through the loss of my immediate family, I've gained strength I didn't know I was capable of. As an homage to the two women that raised me, I hope to visit El Salvador before my next birthday.  I'll make sure I can make it happen.

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